Happy Gardening
Check out our gardening tips and latest activities.
Gardeners Have Lower Risk of Chronic, Mental Illness
Gardeners Have Lower Risk of Chronic, Mental Illness An earlier study published on Jan. 4 in the Lancet Planetary Health journal discovered that gardeners have a lower risk of chronic and mental illness. In the [...]
May/June – Newsletter
Click on the following link to see our latest newsletter. http://www.providentcommunitygarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240513-May-Jun-Keith-Thomas-Garden-News-🍅.pdf
March/April – Newsletter
Check out the newsletter. http://www.providentcommunitygarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240309-Mar-Apr-Keith-Thomas-Garden-News-🍅.pdf
January/February – Newsletter
Check out the newsletter http://www.providentcommunitygarden.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240119-Jan-Feb-Garden-News-🍅.pdf
December-January Newsletter
20240119 - December-January Newsletter
Seed Class at the Provident Community Garden
It's garden planning time. On Dec 10, the Garden Leaders will be hosting a get together at the garden to talk "seeds". We will start at 8:30 am and have a short presentation about seeds [...]
President’s Update
PCG Gardeners: What an August. It's in the 90's, it's raining and our gardens are loving it. Who has got lost in Li's maze?? My "cottage garden" of thoughts for this time of the year. [...]